802 бизнес идеи в россии на 2021 год

Starting a business is a dream for many, and finding the right idea is the first step toward making that dream a reality. This guide provides you with 802 business ideas in Russia for 2021. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or an established business owner looking to expand, this article offers a wealth of information tailored to the Russian market.

Introduction to Business in Russia

Russia is a country full of opportunities. With a vast market, diverse consumer base, and supportive government policies, it presents numerous business prospects. In 2021, the business landscape is shaped by global trends, technological advancements, and changing consumer behaviors. Understanding these factors is crucial for anyone looking to start or expand a business in Russia.

Why Consider Russia for Business?

  • Large Market: With a population of over 144 million, Russia offers a substantial consumer base.
  • Strategic Location: Russia’s geographical position allows easy access to European and Asian markets.
  • Natural Resources: Abundant resources provide opportunities in various industries, including energy, mining, and agriculture.
  • Government Support: Various programs and incentives support business development and innovation.

802 Business Ideas for 2021

1. Technology and IT Services

  • Software Development: Custom software solutions for businesses.
  • Cybersecurity: Protecting companies from digital threats.
  • E-commerce Platforms: Building and managing online stores.
  • Mobile App Development: Creating apps for various purposes.
  • IT Consulting: Helping businesses optimize their technology use.

2. Green Energy and Sustainability

  • Solar Power Installation: Providing solar energy solutions.
  • Wind Energy: Developing wind farms.
  • Recycling Centers: Managing waste and recycling materials.
  • Eco-friendly Products: Selling sustainable goods.
  • Energy-efficient Appliances: Retailing energy-saving devices.

3. Healthcare and Wellness

  • Telemedicine Services: Offering remote healthcare consultations.
  • Fitness Centers: Opening gyms and wellness clubs.
  • Nutritional Counseling: Providing diet and nutrition advice.
  • Medical Supplies: Selling healthcare equipment.
  • Pharmacies: Establishing retail pharmacy chains.

4. Food and Beverage

  • Organic Farming: Producing organic food.
  • Specialty Restaurants: Opening theme-based eateries.
  • Food Delivery Services: Providing online food ordering and delivery.
  • Beverage Production: Crafting unique drinks.
  • Food Trucks: Mobile food service businesses.

5. Education and Training

  • Online Courses: Offering digital learning platforms.
  • Language Schools: Teaching foreign languages.
  • Tutoring Services: Providing academic support.
  • Vocational Training: Offering skill-based training programs.
  • Corporate Training: Educating employees in various industries.

6. Real Estate and Construction

  • Property Management: Managing residential and commercial properties.
  • Real Estate Development: Building new properties.
  • Interior Design: Offering design and renovation services.
  • Green Building: Constructing eco-friendly buildings.
  • Real Estate Brokerage: Facilitating property transactions.

7. Retail and E-commerce

  • Online Marketplaces: Creating platforms for buying and selling goods.
  • Specialty Stores: Opening niche retail shops.
  • Subscription Boxes: Offering curated product subscriptions.
  • Dropshipping: Managing e-commerce without inventory.
  • Pop-up Shops: Temporary retail locations.

8. Travel and Tourism

  • Travel Agencies: Planning and booking travel.
  • Tour Guides: Offering guided tours of cities and landmarks.
  • Eco-tourism: Promoting sustainable travel.
  • Hospitality Services: Running hotels and hostels.
  • Adventure Tourism: Organizing outdoor activities and adventures.

9. Arts and Entertainment

  • Art Galleries: Showcasing and selling art.
  • Music Production: Recording and producing music.
  • Film and Video: Creating visual media content.
  • Event Planning: Organizing events and parties.
  • Theater Productions: Staging live performances.

10. Finance and Investment

  • Financial Consulting: Advising on financial planning.
  • Investment Funds: Managing investment portfolios.
  • Crowdfunding Platforms: Facilitating collective funding for projects.
  • Cryptocurrency: Trading and investing in digital currencies.
  • Insurance Services: Providing insurance solutions.

Detailed Analysis of Selected Business Ideas

Technology and IT Services

Software Development

With the growing demand for digital transformation, software development is a lucrative field. Businesses need custom software to manage operations, improve customer experiences, and stay competitive. In Russia, there’s a growing market for developers who can create innovative solutions tailored to local needs.


As cyber threats increase, the need for robust cybersecurity measures becomes critical. Starting a cybersecurity firm can help businesses protect their data and systems. Offering services like threat assessment, penetration testing, and security audits can position your business as a vital partner for other companies.

Green Energy and Sustainability

Solar Power Installation

Russia’s vast land area and varying climates provide ample opportunities for solar power installations. Starting a business that designs and installs solar panels can cater to both residential and commercial clients. Additionally, government incentives for renewable energy projects can boost your business prospects.

Recycling Centers

With increasing environmental awareness, recycling is becoming more important. Establishing a recycling center can help manage waste more effectively. By processing and repurposing materials like plastics, metals, and paper, you can contribute to sustainability and create a profitable business.

Healthcare and Wellness

Telemedicine Services

The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of telemedicine, making it a viable business opportunity. By offering remote consultations and healthcare services, you can reach patients who might not have easy access to traditional healthcare facilities. Investing in a secure and user-friendly platform is key to success in this field.

Fitness Centers

Health and fitness are becoming priorities for many Russians. Opening a fitness center with modern equipment, professional trainers, and a variety of classes can attract a broad customer base. Consider offering specialized programs like yoga, pilates, or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to differentiate your business.

Food and Beverage

Organic Farming

Consumers are increasingly seeking organic food options. Starting an organic farm can meet this demand and promote healthier eating habits. By using sustainable farming practices, you can produce high-quality fruits, vegetables, and grains that appeal to health-conscious buyers.

Food Delivery Services

The convenience of online food ordering has created a booming market for delivery services. Partnering with local restaurants and developing an efficient delivery system can help you capture a share of this growing industry. Offering a user-friendly app and reliable service is essential for customer satisfaction.

Education and Training

Online Courses

Offering digital learning platforms can tap into the growing demand for remote education. You can create and sell courses on various subjects, providing flexible learning options for students of all ages.

Language Schools

Teaching foreign languages can be a profitable venture, especially with the increasing demand for language skills in global business. You can offer in-person or online classes, targeting both children and adults.

Tutoring Services

Providing academic support through tutoring services can help students improve their grades and understanding of various subjects. You can offer one-on-one sessions or group classes, catering to different learning needs.

Vocational Training

Offering skill-based training programs can prepare individuals for specific careers. This can include training in fields like IT, healthcare, or trades such as plumbing and electrical work.

Corporate Training

Educating employees in various industries through corporate training programs can improve their skills and productivity. You can offer workshops, seminars, and online courses tailored to the needs of different businesses.

Real Estate and Construction

Property Management

Managing residential and commercial properties can be a steady source of income. You can offer services such as maintenance, tenant management, and rent collection.

Real Estate Development

Building new properties can be a lucrative business, especially in growing urban areas. This can include residential buildings, commercial spaces, and mixed-use developments.

Interior Design

Offering design and renovation services can cater to both residential and commercial clients. You can help clients create functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces.

Green Building

Constructing eco-friendly buildings can appeal to environmentally conscious consumers. This can involve using sustainable materials and energy-efficient designs.

Real Estate Brokerage

Facilitating property transactions as a real estate broker can be a profitable business. You can help clients buy, sell, and rent properties, earning commissions on each transaction.

Retail and E-commerce

Online Marketplaces

Creating platforms for buying and selling goods can tap into the growing e-commerce market. You can offer a wide range of products, from electronics to fashion.

Specialty Stores

Opening niche retail shops can cater to specific customer needs and interests. This can include stores focused on particular products, such as organic food, handmade crafts, or sports equipment.

Subscription Boxes

Offering curated product subscriptions can provide customers with regular deliveries of items they love. This can include beauty products, snacks, or hobby-related items.


Managing e-commerce without inventory through dropshipping can reduce overhead costs. You can sell products from suppliers directly to customers, handling marketing and customer service.

Pop-up Shops

Temporary retail locations can create buzz and attract customers. You can set up pop-up shops for special events, holidays, or to test new markets.

Travel and Tourism

Travel Agencies

Planning and booking travel can help customers find the best deals and experiences. You can offer personalized travel packages and itineraries.

Tour Guides

Offering guided tours of cities and landmarks can provide tourists with enriching experiences. You can specialize in cultural, historical, or adventure tours.


Promoting sustainable travel can appeal to environmentally conscious travelers. This can involve organizing trips that minimize environmental impact and support local communities.

Hospitality Services

Running hotels and hostels can provide accommodation for travelers. You can offer various levels of service, from budget-friendly to luxury stays.

Adventure Tourism

Organizing outdoor activities and adventures can attract thrill-seekers. This can include hiking, rafting, and other exciting experiences.

Arts and Entertainment

Art Galleries

Showcasing and selling art can support local artists and provide customers with unique pieces. You can host exhibitions and events to attract visitors.

Music Production

Recording and producing music can help artists bring their work to life. You can offer studio services, mixing, and mastering.

Film and Video

Creating visual media content can cater to various needs, from marketing to entertainment. You can produce commercials, documentaries, and short films.

Event Planning

Organizing events and parties can provide memorable experiences for clients. This can include weddings, corporate events, and festivals.

Theater Productions

Staging live performances can attract audiences looking for cultural experiences. You can produce plays, musicals, and other theatrical works.

Finance and Investment

Financial Consulting

Advising on financial planning can help individuals and businesses manage their money. You can offer services such as budgeting, investment advice, and retirement planning.

Investment Funds

Managing investment portfolios can provide returns for investors. You can create and manage funds focused on various asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, or real estate.

Crowdfunding Platforms

Facilitating collective funding for projects can help entrepreneurs raise capital. You can create a platform that connects investors with startups and other ventures.


Trading and investing in digital currencies can offer high returns, albeit with higher risk. You can provide services such as wallet management, trading platforms, and investment advice.

Insurance Services

Providing insurance solutions can help individuals and businesses protect their assets. You can offer various types of insurance, including health, property, and life insurance.


Q: What are the key factors to consider when starting a business in Russia?

A: Consider market demand, competition, legal requirements, and cultural nuances. Conduct thorough market research and create a solid business plan.

Q: Are there government incentives for new businesses in Russia?

A: Yes, the Russian government offers various incentives, including tax breaks, grants, and support programs for startups and SMEs.

Q: How can I find a reliable business partner in Russia?

A: Networking events, industry conferences, and online platforms can help you connect with potential partners. It’s important to vet partners thoroughly and ensure they share your business vision.

Q: What are the challenges of doing business in Russia?

A: Challenges include bureaucratic hurdles, fluctuating economic conditions, and navigating complex regulations. However, with careful planning and local expertise, these challenges can be managed effectively.

Q: Is Russia a good market for tech startups?

A: Yes, Russia has a growing tech sector with a strong emphasis on innovation. There are opportunities in software development, IT services, and cybersecurity, among others.

Q: What industries are currently thriving in Russia?

A: Technology, healthcare, e-commerce, and renewable energy are among the thriving industries in Russia. These sectors offer significant growth potential and opportunities for new businesses.


Starting a business in Russia in 2021 presents numerous opportunities across various industries. From technology and healthcare to food and beverage, there are countless ideas to explore. Understanding the market, leveraging government support, and staying adaptable are key to success. This comprehensive guide aims to inspire and inform aspiring entrepreneurs about the potential that Russia holds for business development.

By focusing on innovative solutions, sustainability, and consumer needs, you can build a successful and impactful business in Russia. Whether you’re looking to launch a startup or expand an existing enterprise, the ideas and insights provided in this article can serve as a valuable resource on your entrepreneurial journey.

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